Saturday, May 17, 2008

How Do You Tolerate Atrocious Commentary ?

Recently I have found a great method myself. I watch the cricket match while listening to music on my iPod. Especially when Ranjit Fernando starts mumbling meaningless, obvious inanities. The way I work is once he starts to mouth something I turn the music on, and turn it off only after the bowler comes in to bowl.

I might soon extend this rule to others as well - Sivaramakrishnan, being the first waiting in line, to suffer this fate, closely followed by Ramiz Raja. What was Ramiz doing today ? When he was talking to Jeremy Snape the number of times he mouthed "you know" in that stupid affected manner which made one pull his ears off ?? AAAAAAAA !!

I had often wished there was some option by which we could apply a filter so as to selectively mute commentary while being able to listen to the sound of the ball on the bat, crowd etc. So far this is the closest I have come to achieving it.

What about you guys ? How do you cope up ? Or do you love Fernando, Raja and Sivaramakrishnan ?


Thiru Cumaran said...

I have been telling a lot of ppl about how horrible Ranjit Fernando's commentary is. He just sings like a parrot, either saying the exact same thing that the other commentator said a while ago, or blabbers utterly stupid things like "it is important for Sehwag to hit some boundaries to ease the pressure" Dont we know that!

Some Sri Lankans had a blog dedicated to the horrible ranjit fernando. Check it out!

In case anyone needs proof of how stupid RF is, just check this vid out.

Gaurav said...

oh thanks ! these are excellent resources ! will definitely check them out !

Danesh said...

But compared to the ones we used to have in DD earlier (Narottam Puri etc), these guys are much better.

Thiru Cumaran said...

No way, no-one can ever be worse than RF!